Monday, May 29, 2006

Visit to the church in Hrubieszów

Minioną sobotę i niedzielę (27-28 czerwca) Ewa i ja spędziliśmy w Hrubieszowie i okolicach. W sobotę udaliśmy się do osady Dubienka (ok 30 km od Hrubieszowa) gdzie odwiedziliśmy miejsce urodzin Ewy dziadka. Mieliśmy możliwość spotkać się i porozmawiać z osobami które pamiętają jeszcze te odległe czasy.
W niedzielę rano byliśmy gośćmi na nabożeństwie miejscowego zboru Ewangelicznych Chrześcijan, który istnieje w Hrubieszowie ok 70 lat. Od 30 lat życie społeczności związane jest z budynkiem, który kościół zakupił 30 lat temu, sam obiekt też ma ponad 70 lat i dalej jest bardzo funkcjonalny. Lata zrobiły jednak swoje, wiele należy tam wyremontować. Gorącą potrzebą zboru jest naprawa jednej z drewnianych ścian. Zbór ze swoich środków nie jest w stanie tego dokonać i modli się o Boże kierownictwo w tej sprawie. Obecnie od kilku lat zborem wiernie opiekują się Marek i Ewa Pyra. Marek jest pastorem zboru. Kto bywał na wschodzie wie jak gościnni są tam ludzie, my mogliśmy doświadczyć tejże gościnności w domach wierzących których odwiedziliśmy.

miejsce urodzin dziadka Ewy (birth place of Ewa's grandfather)

Na nabożeństwie (church service)

Budynek zborowy (outside)

Marek i Ewa Pyra (pastor Marek with Ewa)

May 27-28th Ewa and I went to the place called Hrubieszów, which is in the south - east part of Poland below larger city of Lublin. The distance between Torun and Hrubieszów is over 500 kilometers one way. It took for us several hours to drive. We went there for a weekend to serve at the church service on Sunday morning. The day before we spent on visiting nearby area particulary village called Dubienka where Ewa's grandfather was born. Most of his life he spent in Warsaw where he was a leader of United Ewangelical Church. The church in Hrubieszów exist nearly 70 years. Since 30 years they use a building which it self is more the 70 years old and at the moment requiers almost urgent repair one of the side of the building. This may be a cause of some denger if it will be left for longer time. The church it self is rather small congregation and is not able to cover all expences. This is the prayer of this people to be able to fix the wall. Since a couple of years the church has new pastor Marek Pyra who with his wife Ewa faithfuly minister for this city. People in the east are known with hospitality but when they are Christians you can count it for double, now you can imagine how we were treated... We have fond memories from this visit. Thanks God for safe journey back. Home we arrived on Monday morning at 2.30 am.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Weekend May 20-21st in church life

If you follow our church ministry amongst non church goers you will notice that we pay attention on children ministry. Frequently we invite groups of children, mainly from non Christian families.
On Saturday 20th of May in the church we held one of such meeting where Bible message was presented. In this time all sort of children activitees took place like: games and sport. At the end we served a snack for all. Children return home usually with some Christian materials to read at home either by them or their parents. In this way we build systematic frendship with many of them. Some of them are more open to talk and listen to the gospel. Preaching is done in the chapell or in privite talks. Next such meeting will take place on June 10th. We expect nearly 200 children plus their parents due International Children's Day which we celebrate in Poland on June 1st. We had such meetings in last several years and always they were well atended, our neigbours were watching us from their balcony in nearby housing area. Some of these people who come on speciall occasions are not afraid to visit us on regular Sunday service. Please remain with us in prayers to use such oportunities to present the gospel as we continue this outreach. Please pray also for those who faithfully since some years are involved as organizers: Jacek, Teresa, Ewa, Halina, Irena, Iwona and many others

On last Sunday some church members went for a picnik which was organized in nearby surrandings. This was a time for fellowship, talks, fun. Time spent together was a blessed one. Church is a family of God, as family we should spend time together not only on Sunday mornings, let's meet together on other occasions too. This could be a time of learning to accept and understand each other inspite of our diferences. Unity can be practices in a real way, if we long for each other to spend time together. Having time together we learn to see not only our "own world" but to be open for sombody's view and needs too. Bible teaches us to accept one onother in Christ, this is a challenge for our own spirituality which can be practices in reality with people. Church are people not only those with whom we like to be, but also those who are differend in age and status. If you want to have a friends just make them. Try to listen them, not only expect them to listen you. This is not always an easy thing, but if you like challenge then try...
Some of you who know "our people" for sure will recognize faces.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Month of May began with activity

Whatever country we take, marriages are on the attack on unity and love. There is no exception regarding life in Poland, more and more marriages are struggling which leads into separation and eventually divorces. Being aware of this problem as Christians we need to protect whom God "united into one." In our region of Torun marriage conference (April 30th - May 3rd) was organized, seventeen couples were present. They came from various churches in our district. Our guest speakers were Rick and Sue Penner. This couple on the base of Bible and their own experiences shared how we as sinners saved by grace need to understand our differences as God's creatures men and women. Each day we heard three lectures in English, translated into Polish by Tadeusz. Rest of the day was designated for discussions and family life. The whole time spent together was a blessing to all, it could be seen by atmosphere during these three days and the way how we were saying good bye in time of departure.

In the month of May we started also building repairs. After using a building more than 15 years some things need to be repaired. We began with the fence, later this year chimney and some part of the roof will need to be repaired too, due some leaking problems last winter. Please enjoy two pictures showing these two events of our church life.

Z pewnością wielu z nas zgodzi się, że małżeństwa znajdują sie pod stałym atakiem w celu zburzenia miłości i jedności, gdy temu się poddamy rezultatem są rozwody. Jako chrześcijanie mamy "nie rozdzielać tego co Bóg złączył". W okregu toruńskim zorganizowaliśmy konferencję dla 17 małżeństw (30-go kwietnia - 3-go maja) w hotelu Michelin we Włocławku. Uczestnicy przyjechali z W-wy, Nowego Tomyśla, Włocławka, Inowrocławia, Żnina, Solca Kujawskiego Turku, i Torunia. Naszymi wykładowcami było małżeństwo Rick i Sue Penner, którzy na podstawie Biblii i swoich własnych doświadczeń nauczali jak różnymi Bożymi stworzeniami są - mężczyzna i kobieta. Każdego dnia słuchaliśmy trzech wykładów, tłumaczonych przez Tadeusza. Sądząc z afmosfery na samej konferencji oraz przy pożegnaniach związanych z wyjazdem, konferencja była błogosławieństwem dla jej uczestników.

Miesiąc maj zaczął sie dla nas okazją do przeprowadzenia planowanych napraw obiektu zborowego. Zaczęliśmy od ogrodzenia zborowej działki. Czeka nas jeszcze częściowa naprawa dachu, gdyż w zimie mieliśmy przypadki zalania pomieszczeń zborowych.
Zalączone zdjęcia, chociaż częściowo oddają majową atmosferę z życia zboru toruńskiego.