Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Evangelical Free Church in Torun

In the year 1979 my (Tadeusz) parents, brothers and myself were praying about new place of a mission field in Poland. In this time we all were living in capital of Warsaw. After a few months God brought to our family minds city of TORUN. In the meantime God also has brought Ewa - Christian girl from Warsaw into our family and we married in 1980. In the city were living 200.000 citizens. In this time there were not any free evangelical congregations. In November '79 Evangelical Christian Church was planted. Helping you to have a glimpse who we are we will use the name of Evangelical Free Church, this name will describe more correctly who we are. First seven years church life was in the house of my parents. In 1986 we started to build our own premises which we finished in 1990. God was faithful and provided sources to accomplish this task. Christians from various countries were helping us to finish this project. Now we do not worship the building we worship God in the building. We pray how we can use such gift for His glory. Posts on this blog give you some understanding how we use church premises. As a church we pray for wisdom how wisely we can develop a ministry to which God has called us in Torun. Ewa almost from the begining was involved in the work with the children. Now she leads Sunday school classes for children. God's ministry at Torun goes on bacause of the grace of Lord Jesus who gave us faithful co-workers in the church. You will have an opportunity to learn their names while they will be appearing on this website. You are welcome to read our blog and pray for us. If you have some advice how we can be more faithful and fruitful in the ministry please contact us. In order to make people of our city closer to your heart please enjoy a few pictures. More about city you can learn from viewing website:>

Main square in the old town
On the right is the town hall
The Roman Catholic Church in the centre of the picture


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Evangelistic meetings April 8-9th

W dniach 8-9 kwietnia zbór w Toruniu zorganizował dwa zgromadzenia ewangelizacyjne (sobota g. 17.00 i niedziela g. 10.00) Na spotkania zaprosiliśmy rodziców, opiekunów dzieci z którymi mieliśmy kontakt w ostatnich latach. W naszych planach organizacyjnych wysłaliśmy 300 zaproszeń. Kilkanaście osób odpowiedziało na zaproszenie. Naszym gościem - kaznodzieją był pastor Piotr Karel z Kołobrzegu. W sobotę słyszeliśmy słowo na temat "Film życia" W niedzielę na temat "W sprawach Ojca ja być muszę" Oba spotkania były błogosławionymi wydarzeniami na których kilka osób wyraziło chęć modlitwy o ich życie. Dziękujemy wszystkim pamiętającym nas w modlitwach.

April 8-9th
(Saturday at 5.00pm Sunday at 10.00am) we invited for an evangelistic meetings children's parents with whom we had contact last years. We sent out 300 invitations. some responded by coming on Saturday's and Sunday's services. The theme of Saturday message was "Film of life" On Sunday we have heard the message "I have to be in my Father's house" Several people responded on preachers invitation (pastor Piotr Karel) to pray for them. Thanks for your prayers, it was a blessed weekend.