Weekend May 20-21st in church life
If you follow our church ministry amongst non church goers you will notice that we pay attention on children ministry. Frequently we invite groups of children, mainly from non Christian families.
On Saturday 20th of May in the church we held one of such meeting where Bible message was presented. In this time all sort of children activitees took place like: games and sport. At the end we served a snack for all. Children return home usually with some Christian materials to read at home either by them or their parents. In this way we build systematic frendship with many of them. Some of them are more open to talk and listen to the gospel. Preaching is done in the chapell or in privite talks. Next such meeting will take place on June 10th. We expect nearly 200 children plus their parents due International Children's Day which we celebrate in Poland on June 1st. We had such meetings in last several years and always they were well atended, our neigbours were watching us from their balcony in nearby housing area. Some of these people who come on speciall occasions are not afraid to visit us on regular Sunday service. Please remain with us in prayers to use such oportunities to present the gospel as we continue this outreach. Please pray also for those who faithfully since some years are involved as organizers: Jacek, Teresa, Ewa, Halina, Irena, Iwona and many others
On last Sunday some church members went for a picnik which was organized in nearby surrandings. This was a time for fellowship, talks, fun. Time spent together was a blessed one. Church is a family of God, as family we should spend time together not only on Sunday mornings, let's meet together on other occasions too. This could be a time of learning to accept and understand each other inspite of our diferences. Unity can be practices in a real way, if we long for each other to spend time together. Having time together we learn to see not only our "own world" but to be open for sombody's view and needs too. Bible teaches us to accept one onother in Christ, this is a challenge for our own spirituality which can be practices in reality with people. Church are people not only those with whom we like to be, but also those who are differend in age and status. If you want to have a friends just make them. Try to listen them, not only expect them to listen you. This is not always an easy thing, but if you like challenge then try...
Some of you who know "our people" for sure will recognize faces.
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