Friday, February 10, 2006

Children Ministry in 2006

Children ministry in Torun’s Evangelical Christian Church
Plan for 2006 year

January 28th and 29th in church building
Two children meetings (each 100 children) with shoe boxes distribution
Things to be done: Invitations, stamps, cards, transportations, presents ect
We received an extra shoe boxes from USA via another agency in Poland
(You may find report from this event in January section)

February 20th-25th in Church building
Children camp – each day 40-50 children are coming for 4-5 hours to the church building for various activities
Things to be done: Invitations, transportations, snacks, meals, identification cards, plates, cups, spoons, forks, materials for teaching etc.

March 11th in church building
Meeting for 100 children and their parents
There is a plan to have 9 meetings like that on Saturdays during whole 2006 year
Things to be done: Invitations,, post, transportation, snacks, materials, cakes, tea coffee, plates etc

April 8th in Church building
Evangelistic meeting for 100-200 people (parents plus children who were before on shoe boxes distribution in December and January) This will be strictly evangelistic outreach with songs, message and testimonies.
Things to be done: Invitations, invited quests (musicians or drama players) etc.

June 3rd in church yard
Children’s Day. Each year we invite 250 children for fun, message, games and picnic with snacks outside the building.
Things to be done: Invitations, invited quests (musicians or drama players) ect.
snacks, soup, materials for games, rewards, tea, coffe etc.

July 17-23rd in church building
Children/Youth Summer Club for 50-60 teenagers. They will be divided on few groups according their age (14-18). On Sunday 23rd will be picnic for all children and their parents plus church people (like we had last July)
Things to be done: Invitations, transportations, snacks, meals, identification cards, plates, cups, spoons, forks, materials for teaching etc.

December before Christmas at University hall
Will be like last December - a big outreach for 700 children
Things to be done: Renting, hiring some volunteers, transportation, etc

Each year in the summer time as possibilities alowes church in Torun is sponsoring 4-5 children at the Christian camp organized by another evangelical churches. Sponsored children were from most poorer families non church goers.

2. As a church we organized in August a family Christian camp with biblical lectures. Last August (as you know) we had nearly 90 people with some children. This coming August in 2006 we think we will organize such camp too.


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