Kid's club began on February 20th
February 20th we started children's camp which will finish on Saturday February 25th. First day 35 children arrived. Four groups were made up according to their age. Each group with their leader had their own program. Some times all the children spent time together in main hall. Program included: workshops, crafts, games and Bible lesson. On Monday was story about Zacchaus and its application in life. Bible lesson was presented very nicely by Rob and Lorna from England. Please remain with us in prayer during next days while children's camp is going on. Please pray for: protection for children and staff (about 15 people) leading this camp.
Was the second day of our children's camp. Outside was very snowy. Inside warm and nice. The same number children came as yesterday. Bible lesson was about life of Josiah who in the age of 8 became king in Jerusalem. Like yesterday our guests Rob and Lorna presented the theme in visual way. Games, quizes and workshops were this day too. Some children's parents were present too. At lunch time all got warm soup. Another blessed and tiring day.
Another blessed day with 43 children. Nineteen adults spent five hours with them from 10.00am - 3.00pm. Today Bible lesson was parable about sower and seed, again presented in attractive way by our guests. Jacek is so busy in leading groups, that sometimes he looks for a minute to rest (see the picture below) Children received some Bible verses to learn for Saturday when they will be asked to say the verse at the closing meeting.
Today I would like you to introduce our staff members who are involve in this club. Their names are: Teresa, Karolina, Ewa, Basia, Melania, Slawek, Jacek, Tomek, Pawel, Zosia. Children spend time in four groups. Groups names are: lions, dragons, VIP's, tigers. On below picture you can see their paintings. We hang them on the balcony. In groups they have crafts and also Bible lesson where they repeat material from story told the day before. Bible lessons are taught by our guests whom you know from previous days; Rob and Lorna. Thanks God that so many individuals are coming each day to minister to the youngest.
This was the last kid's day, tomorrow they will come with their parents and program will be a little bit different. Two - three hours we intend to spend with parents and children together. Today's story was about crippled man who was brought in front of Jesus by his four friends. Rob taught Jacek how to tell a story using simple strip of cardboard. Jacek did very well (see the picture). Another day with fun and Bible quizes. Unfortunately we had to say goodbye for our guest who flew to England this afternoon. Hope you will enjoy to see almost the whole group with some adults. We thank God for all the days in this children ministry. Tomorrow another and last report...
Was last day of our kid's club. Children came at 2.00pm with their parents. Most out of the sixteen adults who came to the church were first time in an evangelical building. They were not sure what to expect. Reports taken home by the children after each day encouraged the parents to come. One wife was surprised that her husband came to such "a strange place for him" -she never expected that he would come to a church like this. Today’s program was a little bit different than from Monday through to Friday. Today we were encouraging parents to participate in some activities. They were playing together with their children. The Word from Bible was the "Importance of our soul" told by Tadeusz and was mainly directed to the adults. There was a time for personal witness to the parents. Nearly 20 children expressed their willingness to memorise more than one verse from the Bible. On the picture you can see them doing that before their parents (not church goers). We saw children and parents happy faces. Very often they asked when they may come again. This week the seed was sown, please remain with us in prayer. Thanks to God who protected us in good health and church volunteers who spent the whole week in this outreach. Thank you all who prayed for us lately. As a church we plan to follow up all these contacts. Next special meeting will be March 11th.
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