W ostatnim miesiącu roku szkolnego w zborze toruńskim przeżyliśmy dwa znaczące wydarzenia. Konferencję na temat: Eschatologii czyli, co Biblia mówi o powtórnym przejściu Chrystusa ? Nagrania wykładów są dostępne w zborze. W niedzielę 22 czerwca wzorem lat ubiegłych podziękowaliśmy Bogu i nauczycielom Szkoły Niedzielnej za ich wierną służbę w nauczaniu dzieci i młodzieży w całym minionym roku szkolnym.
Saturday June 7th was another Children's Day organized by church people. Our target was to invite non church goers families. It seems that this time we had less people than last times on similar events. It was probably some families did nor receive an invitations sent by post. Post offices were on strike last days in Poland and in some places letters were not delivered, nevertheless God send those who were with us. We had good time and talks with all who came this afternoon.
May 25th on the next day just after 100 years Jubilee of Evangelical Christian Church in Poland in church in Torun conference for women was organized. Three women from church; Iwona, Mariola and Ewa prepared this event. Our speakers two ladies from Arizona: Lauri and Tammy were teaching on: Relationship with others -rejection, judgment, forgiveness and love. Women's conferences started to be a regular events in church life.
One hundred years of Evangelical Christian Church in Poland
In May 22-24th in one of the hotel in Torun Jubilee of 100 years of Evangelical Christian Church in Poland was organized. This was a really blessed time for all who gathered (300-400) for three days of fellowship. We had visitors from: Czech Republic, Germany, Holland, Slovakia, Sweden, UK and USA. Various seminars on different topics took place. We heard speakers teaching on subjects like; Do not forget our leaders, this was a story of ECC from its beginning, Church Mission, Mission in the family, Youth and Children's Mission, Threats for the church, Women's Mission, and Why we should love the church. In addition to that worship was lead by Church choir and music band. We were blessed also by the ministry of the soloist from USA. In comments of some who were leaving this event we have heard that for many it was sort of spiritual revival. In a few weeks a DVD with all teaching sessions and nearly 300 pictures will be provided for all who will make a contact with us.
You are welcome to see the move from the conference, it is just below this text.
(pictures below you can enlarge, just click on them)
Pastor in Evangelical Free Church.
Tadeusz - March 7th,(60 in 2015)
Ewa - May 15th,
Marriage anniversary - April 7th (35th in 2015)
Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw - Poland, Trinity Western Seminary - Langley, Canada (Master of Ministry)